509-619-7040 admin@boosterclubs.org

Fundraising Tips & Advise

15 Tips for 1st Time Fundraising! 

1. Decide how much money your group needs to raise
This will help you evaluate products and programs that will be ideal for your group.

2. Watch for hidden costs
Don’t let your group’s profits disappear because of hidden costs (ex. shipping, prizes).

3. Give yourself & your group lots of time to prepare
Select your fundraising program early. This will give you lots of time to plan. Include your fundraiser on the school or community calendars and newsletters.

4. Timing
Make sure to stagger the various fundraisers to avoid flooding your potential consumers and to avoid competing with other fundraisers.

5. Set up specific dates & stick to them
If you avoid setting clear target dates the campaign tends to drag on and often without direction.

6. Try to conduct fewer & more effective programs
This will help maintain motivation and avoid “fundraising fatigue”.

7. Rely on your fundraising company’s expertise
Ask lots of questions & use your fundraising company’s suggestions & advice.

8. Stay motivated throughout the program
Some organizers tend to lose interest once the program is underway. Put a 10-12 day time limit on order taking. It’s easier to stay motivated with clear goals and deadlines.

9. Communicate clearly before, during & after the program is put in place
Keep energy levels high by reminding parents, teachers and other volunteers of the fundraising goals and deadlines.

10. Avoid shipping and ordering problems
Work closely with your volunteers and assure their order forms are legible and filled out completely.

11. Keep copies of the order forms
Always keep copies of the order forms before you send them to your fundraising company.

12. Recruit adult volunteers ahead of time
This will make the distribution of the products to the volunteers more efficient.

13. Double-check products received against your order forms
This needs to be done before the products are given to the volunteers to ensure that nothing is damaged or missing.

14. Keep absent volunteers informed
Don’t forget to communicate the program’s kick off and other important meetings to absent volunteers.

15. Have Fun!
A good attitude = better success.

The National Booster Cub Training Council
“Providing Booster Club – Guidance – Education – Training & Support”

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