509-619-7040 admin@boosterclubs.org

Sample Booster Club Challenges
The NBCTC helps resolve!

If you or your booster club can relate to any of the following scenarios enroll in the NBCTC today – we will provide you with the guidance, education, training and operational support to help you succeed.

You need to raise more funds than your past fundraiser’s have provided and not sure what is the right fundraising program for your group.

You are concerned that your booster club may not be conducting itself in accordance with standard business practices.

Your booster club is struggling to get parents involved.

You have just been elected to lead your booster club but not sure what to do or how to do it.

Your booster club was just told that you need to get insurance.

You have served on your booster club board for many years and can’t find new members to take over your role.

Your son/daughter just made the team and the booster club has asked for your “active involvement”, but you don’t really understand who or what the booster club is.

You were just told by the Athletic Director/Coach that funds are being cut and the extracurricular program may be at risk of cutbacks or elimination.

You would like to start a booster club but not sure how or what to do.

You have a great group of parents involved with your booster club but no one knows what to do.

Your booster club is successful and looking for ways to expand its operations.

These are just a few of the challenging scenarios booster clubs face. In each case we were able to bring experienced guidance and support to help create positive, focused solutions.

These are just a few of the challenging scenarios booster clubs face. In each case we were able to bring experienced guidance and support to help create positive, focused solutions.

Register to receive BoosterTrends

Each month the NBCTC sends out email/text communications covering booster club news, tips, pointers, and the months “power building” topic. These communications cover areas of interest and value for booster clubs at all levels.